Create a Client

Let's initialize an ApolloClient instance. You'll need to provide it the URL of a running GraphQL server, such as the Star Wars API.

First, we'll create a file Apollo.res to group all our Apollo stuff.

let client = {
open ApolloClient
// I would turn this off in production
~uri=_ => "",

Now connect the client to React.

module App = {
<ApolloClient.React.ApolloProvider client=Apollo.client>
<h2>My first Apollo app 🚀</h2>
ReactDOMRe.renderToElementWithId(<App />, "root")

That's it! Our client is ready to start fetching data.

Advanced (Typical) Configuration

Often, you'll want to take advantage of realtime data (subcriptions) and auth, so we'll go a little more in depth here. Feel free to skip this section and return to it when you have a need.

let graphqlEndpoint = ""
let headers = {"Authorization": "There are a bunch of ways to get a token in here"}
// This is the basic http link
let httpLink = ApolloClient.Link.HttpLink.make(
~uri=_ => "https://" ++ graphqlEndpoint,
// Auth headers
// This is a link to handle websockets (used by subscriptions)
let wsLink = {
open ApolloClient.Link.WebSocketLink
~uri="ws://" ++ graphqlEndpoint,
// Auth headers
~connectionParams=ConnectionParams(Obj.magic({"headers": headers})),
// This is a splitter that intelligently routes requests through http or websocket depending on type
let terminatingLink = ApolloClient.Link.split(~test=({query}) => {
let definition = ApolloClient.Utilities.getOperationDefinition(query)
switch definition {
| Some({kind, operation}) => kind === "OperationDefinition" && operation === "subscription"
| None => false
}, ~whenTrue=wsLink, ~whenFalse=httpLink)
let client = {
open ApolloClient
~mutate=DefaultMutateOptions.make(~awaitRefetchQueries=true, ~errorPolicy=All, ()),
~query=DefaultQueryOptions.make(~fetchPolicy=NetworkOnly, ~errorPolicy=All, ()),
~watchQuery=DefaultWatchQueryOptions.make(~fetchPolicy=NetworkOnly, ~errorPolicy=All, ()),