
Using React Hooks

Basic Usage

Create a Subscription module using graphql-ppx. We'll use this throughout the examples on this page.

module StatsSubscription = %graphql(
subscription SorryItsNotASubscriptionForTodos {
siteStatisticsUpdated {

Call the use hook in a component

let make = () =>
{switch StatsSubscription.use() {
| {data: Some({siteStatisticsUpdated: Some({currentVisitorsOnline})})} =>
{React.string("There are " ++ (string_of_int(currentVisitorsOnline) ++ " visitors online"))}
| _ignoredForExample => React.null

Subscribing to Updates for a Query

Whenever a query returns a result in Apollo Client, that result includes a subscribeToMore function. You can use this function to execute a followup subscription that pushes updates to the query's original result.

The subscribeToMore function is similar in structure to the fetchMore function that's commonly used for handling pagination. The primary difference is that fetchMore executes a followup query, whereas subscribeToMore executes a subscription.

The following example is totally nonsensical for reasons I won't go into, but should give you an idea of how to go about it.

let make = () => {
let queryResult = TodosQuery.use()
React.useEffect0(() => {
~updateQuery=(previous, {subscriptionData: {data: {siteStatisticsUpdated}}}) => {
todos: Belt.Array.concat(
__typename: "TodoItem",
id: "subscribeToMoreTodo",
completed: None,
text: "Check how many visitors are online!"),
switch queryResult {
| {data: Some({todos})} =>
// render something

Directly Via the Apollo Client

let statsSubscription = Apollo.client.subscribe(
~onNext=value => Js.log2("new value:", value),
~onError=error => Js.log2("subscription error:", error),
// Unsubscribe like so:
// statsSubscription.unsubscribe()