
Using React Hooks

Basic usage

Create a mutation module using graphql-ppx. We'll use this throughout the examples on this page.

module AddTodoMutation = %graphql(
mutation AddTodo($text: String!) {
todo: addTodoSimple(text: $text) {

Call the use hook in a component

let make = () => {
let (mutate, _mutationResult) = AddTodoMutation.use()
<button onClick={_ => mutate({text: "Some text"})->ignore}>
{"Add To-Do"->React.string}

Post-Mutation Updates

This section needs improvements, but for now here's an examples of refetching data after a mutation, updating the cache, and optimistic updates.

let make = () => {
let (mutate, result) = AddTodoMutation.use()
switch result {
| {called: false} => <>
{"Not called... "->React.string}
onClick={_ =>
~optimisticResponse=_variables => {
todo: {
__typename: "TodoItem",
id: "optimisticResponseTodo",
completed: None,
text: "To-Do from optimisticRespomse",
~update=({writeFragment, writeQuery}, {data}) =>
switch data {
| Some({todo}) =>
// Apollo docs use cache.modify, but it's not typesafe. I recommend some
// combination of readQuery / writeQuery / writeFragment
Js.log2("mutate.update To-Do: ", todo)
let _unusedRef = writeFragment(
__typename: todo.__typename,
id: "fragmentToDo",
completed: None,
text: "To-Do from writeFragment",
let _unusedRef = writeQuery(
todos: [
__typename: todo.__typename,
id: "writeQueryToDo",
completed: None,
text: "To-Do from writeQuery",
| None => ()
// - OR -
{text: "Another To-Do"},
{"Add To-Do (all the bells and whistles)"->React.string}
| {loading: true} => "Loading..."->React.string
| {data: Some({todo: {text}}), error: None} =>
<p> {React.string("To-Do added: \"" ++ (text ++ "\""))} </p>
| {error} => <>
{"Error loading data"->React.string}
{switch error {
| Some(error) => React.string(": " ++ error.message)
| None => React.null

Directly Via the Apollo Client

let addTodo = _ =>
// This assumes you've set up a Client module as in the Getting Started section
Apollo.client.mutate(~mutation=module(AddTodoMutation), {text: "Another To-Do"})
-> =>
switch result {
| Ok({data}) => Js.log2("mutate result: ", data)
| Error(error) => Js.log2("Error: ", error)