
Using React Hooks

Queries work just like in JavaScript. You can declaratively fetch data using the useQuery hook.


Create a query module with graphql-ppx. We'll use this throughout the examples on this page.

module TodosQuery = %graphql(`
query TodosQuery {
todos: allTodos {

To execute the query, just call the use hook in a component like so.

let make = () =>
switch TodosQuery.use() {
| {loading: true} => "Loading..."->React.string
| {error: Some(_error)} => "Error loading data"->React.string
| {data: Some({todos})} =>
{"There are "->React.string} {todos->Belt.Array.length->React.int} {" To-Dos"->React.string}
| {data: None, error: None, loading: false} =>
"You might think this is impossible, but depending on the situation it might not be!"->React.string

Typical Usage

While we wish it was always as easy as above, there are many situations where you may be fetching new data while rendering a cached results, etc. Here's a slightly more complex example:

let make = () => {
let queryResult = TodosQuery.use()
{switch queryResult {
| {loading: true, data: None} => <p> {"Loading"->React.string} </p>
| {loading, data: Some({todos}), error, fetchMore} =>
{loading ? <p> {"Refreshing..."->React.string} </p> : React.null}
{switch error {
| Some(_) => <p> {"Something went wrong, data may be incomplete"->React.string} </p>
| None => React.null
{React.string("There are " ++ (todos->Belt.Array.length->string_of_int ++ " To-Dos"))}
<button onClick={_ => fetchMore()->Utils.Promise.ignore}>
{"Fetch More!"->React.string}
| {loading: false, data: None} => <p> {"Error loading data"->React.string} </p>

Lazy Fetching of Data

let make = () => {
let (executeQuery, queryResult) = TodosQuery.useLazy()
{switch queryResult {
| Unexecuted(_) => <>
{"Waiting to be executed... "->React.string}
<button onClick={_ => executeQuery()} value="execute"> {"Execute"->React.string} </button>
| Executed({loading: true, data: None}) => <p> {"Loading"->React.string} </p>
| Executed({loading, data: Some({todos}), error}) => <>
{loading ? <p> {"Refreshing..."->React.string} </p> : React.null}
{switch error {
| Some(_) => <p> {"Something went wrong, data may be incomplete"->React.string} </p>
| None => React.null
{React.string("There are " ++ (todos->Belt.Array.length->string_of_int ++ " To-Dos"))}
| Executed({loading: false, data: None}) => <p> {"Error loading data"->React.string} </p>

Live Queries

It's possible to update a query by attaching a subscription. Please see the subscriptions section on how to do this.

Directly Via the Apollo Client

There are many instances where you might want to query outside the context of React. You can use the query method directly on the client to do this.

let addTodo = _ =>
// This assumes you've set up a Client module as in the Getting Started section
Apollo.client.mutate(~mutation=module(AddTodoMutation), {text: "Another To-Do"})
->Promise.map(result =>
switch result {
| Ok({data}) => Js.log2("mutate result: ", data)
| Error(error) => Js.log2("Error: ", error)

If you need to react to changes in some data in the cache, not just a one-off fetch, you can use the watchQuery method.

// This assumes you've set up a Client module as in the Getting Started section
let observableQuery = Apollo.client.watchQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ())
let watchQuerySubscription = observableQuery.subscribe(~onNext=result =>
switch result {
| {data: Some({todos})} => Js.log2("watchQuery To-Dos: ", todos)
| _ => ()
, ())
// Unsubscribe like so:
// watchQuerySubscription.unsubscribe();